Production bridge crane



Realisation: 2024

Market: Handling of steel blanks on the production line of concrete elements

Product: Bridge crane; link 1, link 2, link 3 

Producer: SLT

Delivery of a single-girder bridge crane 5t / 16.9m. The crane was delivered in an atypical design, which meets the individual requirements of the customer who requested a later transfer of the crane to another plant. Therefore, the crane wheels are adapted to the different crane rails used on the 2 independent crane runways. The electrical equipment is equipped with connectors for easy disconnection and quick reassembly in case of moving the crane. The end carriages are also designed with the future use of the crane at 2 different workplaces. Due to the static load capacity of the crane runway, the crane is equipped with an anti-collision device that measures the distance to the another crane used on this crane railway. A Stahl hoist type SH 4012-20 4/1 L3 is used as the lifting mechanism. The hoisting speed and travel speed of the hoist are regulated by pole switching. The crane travel speed is regulated by changing the frequency using a Magnetek converter type SFD6-4004. The crane is controlled by a Magnetek button remote control type Flex-6Wave. This was a complete supply of lifting equipment including the necessary administration by TIČR.


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