Realisation: 2021
Market: Handling with concrete parts
Product: Bridge crane
Producer: SLT
The bridge crane with a total load capacity of 12.6 tons is equipped with 2 hoists each with a load capacity of 6.3 tons. The span of the crane is 16.1 m. The crane is used for handling concrete parts. The crane works indoors. All crane movements are controlled by frequency converters Nord. As lifting equipment are used hoists Stahl type SHF 5016-40 4/1 L3 . Both hoists work in stand-alone and tandem mode. In the case of using the tandem mode, the hoists are equipped with feedback, it means when the travelling or lifting limit switch is initialized on one of the hoists, the other hoist also stops. In a similar way, both hoists communicate with each other even in the case of activation of the overload device. The crane moves above a technological platform, where in the future will be necessary to solve the passage corridors of the crane with a load. That´s why as a control systems is used a PLC, which allows to the end user easily set up these corridors in the future.
The power supply of the hoists is solved by festoon systems supplied by the company Unilift. The crane is placed on crane railway together with another crane ( 10t / 16,1m ), also produced by SLT company. Both cranes are powered by an enclosed conductor bar Fels.